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Photo Gallery for 2003

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Photos by John and Susy Pint unless otherwise credited

No digital trick photography techniques were used
in the creation of these photographs.

© 2005 by John and Susy Pint

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At 510m, Shuwaymis Cave is the longest Saudi lava tube.

Abdulrahman Al-Juaid eyes lava stalactites in Shuwaymis.

Huge lava bridge inside Dahl Romahah.

This falcon is the pride of Shuwaymis.  Story.

Grandfather watches the goings-on at Shuwaymis.

Susy Pint and the Guanomites of Ghostly Cave.

 Sa’ad Al-Sulimi on the lip of Hibashi Cave.
Is Hibashi Cave really 17 kms long? Story.

 Mahmoud Al-Shanti examines lava channel in Hibashi Cave.

 Skull of a young woman, found in Hibashi Cave.

 The sediment in Hibashi Cave under study. Is it loess? 

 Qasr Zabal at Sakakah.

 A lonely tower stands vigil over the ruins of Kabd.

 Teatime at Dahl Saad near Habikah.

 Sand and Shadows at Fatima Dune near Jeddah.

 Saeed Al-Amoudi at the only place you can stand in Gecko Cave.

 The entrance to Black Scorpion Cave.

 Gypsum swirl in Black Scorpion Cave.

 John Pint lunching in Thats-a-Good-Name Cave.

 Sausages-n-Granola formations in That’s-a-Good-Name Cave.

Susy Pint and the Giant Wart in That’s-a-Good-Name Cave.

 Paolo Forti and his paper suit at the 15m drop into Surprise Cave.

 Paolo Forti trying to forget the disintegration of his paper suit.

 A lovely hole on the As Sulb Plateau, begging to be explored.

Shayne Stewart and Arleen Foss diving Ain Hit. Photo by Greg Gregory

 Dr. Ian McLaren x-rays the mummy found in Murubbeh Cave.
Helicopter cave rescue in the lava rubble of Harrat Khaybar.
 Thucky the Dhubb taking calls on Saudicaves hotline (619-Rubadhubb)